Salvia divinorum

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Salvia divinorum is a semi-tropical perennial green plant with a distinct thick, hollow, square green stem and large ovate leaves. The leaves are usually emerald green but can be yellow-green or even yellow.

Salvia divinorum is legal in South Africa.

The plant has hallucinogenic properties. Please conduct thorough research to use the plant for medicinal purposes.




Common Name(s):

Diviner's Sage, Ska María Pastora, Seer's Sage, Magic Mint, Salvia

Mature Size:

1 meters in height


Sierra Mazateca in Oaxaca, Mexico


Below 10 °C

Flower Colours:

Violet calyx and white corolla

Bloom Season:

Late Spring - Early Autumn

Sun Exposure:

Partial sun and high humidity


When soil is dry & leaves become droopy


15 - 28 °C



Salvia divinorum -Rooting

You can place your cutting in water (distilled or rain water would be best) to allow it to recover from travel shock and to grow roots.
Optional: Add SMA – Symbiotic Microbes with Algae to speed up the process.

Spray the leaves with water as often as possible. Remove damaged or brown leaves if any.

Keep out of direct sunlight in an area with high light intensity.

Increase humidity with a plastic bag / grow tent / empty fish tank or any other method that will increase humidity.

Plant in soil when white roots appear and are about 1 cm in length.


Salvia divinorum - Light & Temperature

Plant directly into a suitable pot for rooting. I use 8 cm square plastic pots. Fill the bottom with a layer of small stones or perlite to help with drainage and to provide air for the roots.

Soil mix: standard garden indoor potting soil with added perlite and bone-meal.

Make sure to water often and spray the leaves with water a few times a day.

Increase humidity with a plastic bag / grow tent / empty fish tank or any other method that will increase humidity, this will help to promote fast rooting.

Salvia Divinorum roots are very sensitive and does not like to be disturbed.

Once your plants has rooted, it will be ready to be transplanted to it’s final spot. This takes 3 -6 weeks depending on temperature, humidity and the amount of light for the plants to root properly.

Salvia divnorum roots are sensitive, replant in your biggest pot available.

Suggested Soil Mixture: Standard garden indoor potting soil with added perlite and bone-meal.