The Albuca bracteata plant, commonly known as “Onion”, is named because its above-ground bulb resembles an onion. The plant has long, lanceolate-shaped leaves around 60 cm in length and 2.5 cm in width, spreading out on top. During dry periods, the foliage dies back, making it a cryptophyte. The name “Pregnant” comes from the bulblets that form from the initial bulb scales.
Family: Asparagaceae | Genus: |
Common Name(s): Pregnant Onion, Pregnant Fairy, False sea onion | Mature Size: 8 - 10 cm diameter bulb |
Origin: Southern Cape coastal areas to KwaZulu-Natal | Dormancy: |
Flower Colours: White with green inner stripes | Bloom Season: Later Winter - Spring |
Sun Exposure: Full sun - Partial shade | Watering: Once a Week - “Soak and dry” method |
Temperatures: 5 - 30 °C | Toxic: If ingested and sap may casue skin irritation. |